The world-renowned qanun virtuoso Ahmet Baran's philosophy of art; to produce, to discover, to renew, to renew, to train, to teach, to live and to share music.
In this way, his music life that continues since the age of seven you can see him one day in the Group
Kanun Namına Project's extraordinary stage show with talent and good-looking attracted,
a day at the concert of the day of the album Kanun Namına standing applauded for long minutes,
as a soloist Symphony orchestra When you perform the concerto which is dedicated to the name of a day,
you get the full note from the authority and listeners of music,
and one day you see self-confident, humorous, respectful chef of the magnificent Turkish Music Choir
titled ^Terennüm^. Each concert is a new Ahmet Baran ...
The aim of our academy is to make music production, production, organization, production and projects of Ahmet Baran,
a multi-faceted artist who pushes the boundaries of music and believes that impossible takes time only to make the part.
To take part in this special formation.
When you meet Ahmet Baran’s music, you suddenly realize that the universe is actually made of vibrations: made of light’s, heat’s, magnetism’s and in every case voice’s vibration…
He walks around his hands on his instrument by dipping his fingers silently into magic, and touching this very old land which got warmed for thousands of years by the same sun, was washed by long rains, was reigned under and loved by numberless kings. Universe turns into a wide surfaced qanun, our hearts into a string, and we slowly vibrate with sorrow, we blaze with the fire of high waves and enthusiasm. Qanun feels happy with him, gets strong, creates new worlds in listener’s mind moving across secret passages that no one can see.
Despite his very young age, he seems as if he tapped, locked in, wandered around the strings of that qanun for a couple of lifetimes. As the tunes turn into a wind and touches your face, hair, and filling into you, sometimes you walk around the high walled corridors of old palaces, sometimes you drabbled into world’s miseries in a black and hear the jazz. A song pulls your looks to the ceiling of a youth room that is full of dreams, and slides into a film strip that is watched with a bitter smile. Then you see why life doesn’t move along on a straight line. The meaning rising from the fingers of the musician, whose speed you cannot follow with your eyes, touches your hasty and bewildered sides. His use of his right and left hands like telling, drawing, showing, dancing, dressing a wound; reflects you like a mirror on which the places you have reached, the efforts you have made, the things you have written and deleted, the things you take and give, the ones you have endured and loved appears one by one.
In this album where he practiced the Ten fingers technique for the first time, which will be referred with his name from now on, a sweet feeling is breaded in your heart and you feel happy with this musical richness as he accompanies his own music. Qanun, which is actually an instrument only, turns into something different and bigger, like a huge sea full of thousands of different fishes, thanks to Baran’s imagination and skills.
In this album, Baran’s friendly understanding of world’s music, self-disciplined character, which does not compromise from musicality, unites with his skill of revealing his tone as a difference in every track he has rendered. Therefore, even the most known tracks, soundtracks of the film we watched for million times drop a stone into his imagination seeming like a wide lake, and extends it in circles.
With the torch that Ahmet Baran set to us, we pass from the wide valley of emotions, and roll upwards with joy from the walkway randomly coated with green.
There is no greed in this climb. There is no profit. There is voices folding into soul, objects walking to the meaning.
We walk.
Ahmet BARAN keeps performing with all his naiveness.
We flow in the channel of with the water of that voice.
Suddenly a flower blooms
Children laugh, light changes, shadows wax and wane, our pupils get bigger.
We walk.
Ahmet BARAN keeps playing by dipping his fingers into a little bit of magic and a lot of modestness.
The metronome of life catches and designates the rhythm.
Ahmet BARAN talks about us, our joys, longings, the loss of Özgecan that hits us like tons of bricks, our non-healing wounds.
We walk…
He attitudinizes, talks openly, his music speaks of things too beautiful to be real, he doesn’t stop, starts another improvisation.
We walk as if we are walking towards the light… Besides, with this album, now you join this walk too, and we grow.
So welcome in the name of Qanun!*
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Ahmet Baran Project Müzik Yapım Prodüksiyon Organizasyon
Mobile:+ 90 532 360 62 71
Genel İletiş
Ahmet Baran Project
Müzik Yapım Prodüksiyon Organizasyon
GMK Bulvarı Ofisium İş Merkezi K:6 Mezitli Mersin
00 90 532 360 62 71